were in the room, when we had the first experience. The room started to
fill again with a light from the presence of the Lord. It was so powerful
that it lit up the entire room. The room was full of His glory, it was
beautiful to be before Him.
told us, "My
sons, now I will show you My Kingdom, we will go to my Glory." We took each others hands and
were lifted up. I looked down and noticed that we were going out of our
own bodies. As we left our bodies we were dressed with white robes and started
to go up at a very high speed.
arrived in front of a pair of doors which was the entrance to the Kingdom of
Heaven. We were astonished at what was happening to us. Thankfully,
Jesus the Son of God was there with us, along with two angels who each had four
angels began to talk to us, but we didn't understand what they were
saying. Their language was very different from ours, neither was it like
any Earthly language. These angels were welcoming us and they opened
those immense doors. We saw a wonderful place, with many different
things. When we came inside, a perfect peace filled our
hearts. The Bible tells us that God would give us peace that surpasses
all human understanding (Philippians
The first thing I saw was a deer, so I asked one of my
friends, "Sandra, are you looking at the same thing

I am looking at?" She was no longer crying or shouting anymore, as when we were shown Hell. She was smiling and said: "Yes Esau, I am looking at a deer!" Then I knew that everything was real, we were really in the Kingdom of Heaven. All the horrors that we saw in Hell were soon forgotten. We were there enjoying the glory of God. We went to where the deer was, behind it stood an absolutely huge tree! It was in the center of the paradise.

I am looking at?" She was no longer crying or shouting anymore, as when we were shown Hell. She was smiling and said: "Yes Esau, I am looking at a deer!" Then I knew that everything was real, we were really in the Kingdom of Heaven. All the horrors that we saw in Hell were soon forgotten. We were there enjoying the glory of God. We went to where the deer was, behind it stood an absolutely huge tree! It was in the center of the paradise.
The Bibles tells us in Revelation 2:7 "Whoever has an ear, let him
hear what the Spirit says to the churches. I will grant the victor to eat
from the tree of life that stands in the paradise of God"
This tree is a symbol
of Jesus, because Christ is Eternal Life. Behind the tree was a river of
crystalline water. It was so clear and beautiful, like we never had seen
before on Earth. We just wanted to stay in that place. Many times
we said to the Lord, "Lord please! Do not take us out of this
place! We want to be here forever! We don't want to go back to
Earth!" The Lord answered us, "It is necessary that you go back to give testimony of all
the things that I have prepared for those who love Me because I am coming back
very soon and my reward is with Me.
When we saw the river, we hurried there and got inside of
it. We remembered the scripture that says that whoever believes in the
Lord, from his belly shall run rivers of living water. (John 7:38) The water from
this river seemed to have life in itself, so we immersed ourselves in it.
Inside and outside of the water we could breath normally. That river was
very deep and there were many different colors of fish swimming in it.
The light inside and out of the river was normal; in Heaven light did not come
from a specific source, everything was just brightly lit up. The Bible
tells us that the Lord Jesus is the light of that city (Revelations 21:23). With our
hands, we took some of the fish out of the water; they didn't die. So we
ran to the Lord and asked Him why. The Lord smiled and answered that in
Heaven there is no more death, no more crying, and no more pain. (Revelations 21:4)
We left the river and
ran to every place we could find, we wanted to touch and experience
everything. We wanted to bring everything back home with us, because we
were so amazed at the things in Heaven. They simply cannot be explained
sufficiently with words. When the Apostle Paul was taken to Heaven, he
saw things that he could never explain with words, because of the greatness of
the things in the Kingdom of Heaven. (2
Corinthians 12) There are things we saw that we have almost no way of
We then came to a very immense area; a very wonderful and
beautiful place. This place was full of precious stones: gold, emeralds,
rubies and diamonds. The floor was made of pure gold. We then went
to a place where there were three very large books. The first one was a
Bible made of gold. In Psalms it tells us that the Word of God is eternal
and that the Word of God remains in Heaven forever. (Psalms 119:89) We were looking
at a huge golden Bible; the pages, the scripture, everything was made of pure
The second book we saw was bigger than the Bible. It
was open and an angel was sitting there writing inside the book. Together
with the Lord Jesus we got closer to see what the angel was writing. The
angel was writing all of the things that were happening on the Earth.
Everything that has happened; including the date, the hour, everything is
recorded there. This is done so the Word of the Lord can be fulfilled
where it says that the Books were opened, and that the people on the Earth were
judged according to their works that were written in those books (Revelations 20:12). The angel
was writing all the things that people were doing here on Earth, good or bad,
as it is written.