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Thursday 12 December 2013


We live in a world of very many uncertainties. For example it is uncertain that a new born baby will one day become a father or a mother of children. Though we say that the young shall grow, we are not sure; because the young may die young, only God knows tomorrow.
Isaiah 46:9-10.
However, certain things are certain now and forever. For example, it is certain that the sun shall rise tomorrow. It is also certain that we will never see last year again. Above all, it is certain that sooner or later, even a child that is born today will die someday. James 4: 13-14.
It is certain that this world is not our home; we are just passing through a journey to our final home. Now there are two different final homes with different people heading for different homes. One final home is called heaven or eternal life. The other is called hell or eternal destruction, Mathew 7:13-14.
The great question now is, “Where are you heading for?” Where is your final home? Is it heaven or hell? Are you sure you are heading for heaven? If you are not sure you can be sure today. If you think you are sure but not very certain, you can make assurance doubly sure.
This is how to make heaven, two principal things are essential:
1.      You must be born again, John 3:3-8
2.      You must live holy from now on, Hebrew 12:14

Now to be born again, all you need to do is repent of your sins, decide to forsake them and call on Jesus Christ to forgive you and save your soul, Proverbs 28:13, Romans 10:13. Please do that right now and you will begin to enjoy the joy of salvation.

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